March 2025
Please do not stop maintenance workers to make requests for assistance. You must file a maintenance request with the office. Thank you.
Pepper Cove - Miami, FL
Just a friendly reminder, It is the resident's responsability to keep their front door and laundry room doors clean. If you have any questions on how to clean your door or what products to use, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (305)386-7684.
Pepper Cove - Miami, FL
Please do not hang laundry, towels, rugs etc on balcony railings. This is unsightly and is prohibited by community rules, Also keep in mind that balconies/patios are not to be used as storage. Thank you for your cooperation.
Pepper Cove - Miami, FL
Dear residents: Our staff reminds you to kindly obey the speed limit signs posted throughout our community. Keep in mind that we have childrens that play around the community. We want everyone to be safe and we will dread an accident of any kind.
Thank you.
Pepper Cove - Miami, FL
Dear residents, It has been brought to our attention that many vehicles are being parked illegally thoughout the community. The handicapped parking spaces are designated for those residents who are in need of them and have a valid handiccaped sticker or tag. Florida Law applies in our community that any person has the right to call the police to report people who are illegally parked in handiccaped spaces.
We ask that you be more concious and courteous when parking your car on the property, and ask your visitors to do the same. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Pepper Cove - Miami, FL
Mardi Gras Day
Also known as "Fat Tuesday," this pre-Lenten festival is celebrated in Roman Catholic countries and communities. In a strict sense, Mardi Gras is celebrated by the French as the last of the three days of Shrovetide and is a time of preparation immediately before Ash Wednesday and the start of the fast of Lent. Mardi Gras is thus the last opportunity for merrymaking and indulgence in food and drink. Mardi Gras is marked by spectacular parades featuring floats, pageants, elaborate costumes, masked balls, and people dancing in the streets. The most famous modern Mardi Gras festivities are those held in New Orleans, Louisiana; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Nice, France; and Cologne, Germany. The first American Mardi Gras was celebrated near modern-day New Orleans on March 3, 1699. The official colors of Mardi Gras are purple, green and gold (representing justice, faith and power).Pepper Cove - Miami, FL
Daylight Savings Time
Daylight Saving Time (or summertime as it is called in many countries) is a practice used to get more light out of the day by advancing clocks by one hour during the summer. During Daylight Saving Time, the sun appears to rise one hour later in the morning, when people are usually asleep anyway, and sets one hour later in the evening, seeming to stretch the day longer. The clock moves ahead (thus, losing one hour) when DST starts, typically in the spring, and falls back one hour (thus, gaining one hour) when DST ends in the fall. To make it easier to remember which way the clock goes, keep in mind one of these sayings: “spring forward, fall back” or “spring ahead, fall behind.” Daylight Savings Time in the United States of America starts on the second Sunday in March of each year.Pepper Cove - Miami, FL
Full Worm Moon
March’s Full Moon is traditionally called the Full Worm Moon by the Native Americans who used the Moons to track the seasons. At the time of this spring Moon, the ground begins to soften and earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of robins. In some regions, this is also known as the Sap Moon, as it marks the time when maple sap begins to flow and the annual tapping of maple trees begins. A full moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the geocentric apparent longitudes of the Sun and Moon differ by 180 degrees; the Moon is then in opposition with the Sun. At this time, as seen by viewers on Earth, the hemisphere of the Moon that is facing the earth (the near side) is fully illuminated by the Sun and appears round. Only during a full moon is the opposite hemisphere of the Moon, which is not visible from Earth (the far side), completely unilluminated. As a lunar month is about 29.531, the period between full moons can be either 29 or 30 days.Pepper Cove - Miami, FL
St. Patrick’s Day
Saint Patrick's Day, observed on March 17th, is a cultural and religious celebration commemorating Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. While originally a religious feast day in honor of the saint who is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland, the celebration has evolved into a widely recognized and enthusiastically embraced cultural event. Saint Patrick, born in Roman Britain in the 5th century, is believed to have been kidnapped and taken to Ireland as a slave. After escaping captivity and returning to his homeland, he later returned to Ireland as a missionary, converting its pagan inhabitants to Christianity. Legend has it that he used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity, further contributing to his association with Ireland. Today, Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated with various festivities and traditions worldwide, not just in Ireland. The day is marked by parades, wearing green attire, and the display of shamrocks and Irish flags. Cities around the globe host events that include music, dance, and traditional Irish food and drinks. The color green, symbolic of Ireland's lush landscapes and the shamrock, is prominently featured during the celebrations. Many people, regardless of their Irish heritage, participate in the festivities as a way to embrace and celebrate Irish culture. The day is also associated with a sense of camaraderie, with people coming together to enjoy the vibrant atmosphere and share in the joyous spirit of the occasion. In essence, Saint Patrick's Day has transcended its religious origins to become a widely celebrated and cherished cultural event, fostering a sense of unity and appreciation for Irish heritage and traditions across the globe.Pepper Cove - Miami, FL
National Let's Laugh Day
Observed annually around the world, March 19th is National Let’s Laugh Day. Some studies have shown that laughter may boost your immune system, relieve tension and help you relax. Who does not need any of those things in our busy and hectic world? Did you know that when you and a friend have those long bouts of uncontrolled laughter that end in tears and aching stomach muscles, you burn between 10-40 calories per 10 minutes? And, we have all heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine." Since laughter is contagious, go ahead and keep giving each other those don’t-look-at-me-or-I’ll-start-laughing-again looks and you’ll keep right on burning more laugh-calories--while keeping each other healthy! "We don’t laugh because we’re happy — we’re happy because we laugh." William JamesPepper Cove - Miami, FL
First Day of Spring
Spring comes in between the 19th to the 23rd of March and at different times. It changes on a yearly basis because the first official day of spring is the (Spring) Vernal Equinox. This is when the sun is directly above the equator. It rises due East and sets due West and does not do so on the exact same day every year since the calendar is not exactly 365 precise days every single year.Pepper Cove - Miami, FL
National Single Parent Day
This day was created to honor and recognize the hard work, devotion and sacrifices of single parenting. Raising children can be challenging. In 1984, Janice Moglen wrote an article, collaborated with the organization, Parents Without Partners, and began to petition to have states declare recognition of single parents with their own Single Parents Day. It is the belief that the day, March 21, was chosen to coincide with the inception of Parents Without Partners, which began on March 21,1957. Proclamation 5166 was presented to, and signed, by President Ronald Reagan declaring March 21st, 1984 as National Single Parent Day. We all know of a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker or someone who is a single parent. Support and appreciate them. Make this day a special one for the single parents that you know.Pepper Cove - Miami, FL
National Good Samaritan Day
National Good Samaritan Day also known as Good Samaritan Involvement Day, is a day for unselfish actions to help those in need and to celebrate kindness. It is not an official national holiday, but one that should remind us to keep an eye out for one another, and to help whenever you can on a daily basis. See how you can make a difference in a strangers life today by putting forth the effort to help someone in need and performing an act of kindness.Pepper Cove - Miami, FL